Saturday, September 14, 2013


So my baby started eighth grade this week! Everyone got up at 6AM...(I am NOT a morning person!) and got our routine going again. Jack even rode his bike to school...and to think he couldn't even ride a year ago!

 Harry and I drove, as the high school is an easy drop on my way to work. So I happily take the extra 10 minutes I get with him, even if I'm not allowed to sing, dance or anything silly while he is in the car! He is my "golden child". I don't have to worry about his grades, his schedule...he takes care of it all like a trooper. Straight A's, since he's not here to stop me from bragging!  (Of course he thinks Jack is the "golden child!)

 So I drop off Harry at his ginormous high school (1600 kids) and am off to work, already deep in thoughts of my 8:30 call and how to handle a nasty clean up needed there. I must admit I forgot all about the kids and school until 2:30 when my phone rang. I looked at the number...220-3000...the school. I know it's not my kids because they have phones,  And let's face it, that number is burned in my brain. I think to myself, "Seriously? It's the first freaking day," and answer the phone...

 "Mrs. Heise? Jack had a rough morning..."

Oh joy, back-to-school...

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